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Lenworth Ryan Wilmot

Take The First Step And The Next Will Follow

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.- Amelia Earhart

Do you ever find yourself pondering over a world of what ifs? What if I fail? What if people don't value the work I do, or worse, what if people actually like the work that I do? What if I get made fun of? What if I get burned out? What if I'm just not cut out for the task?

Sometimes the highest hurdle is the one that we create. But if we want to find the intrepid adventurer within, we need to take that first step. Stop wondering what if and begin tenaciously working towards your goals.

I wanted to dedicate this short motivational post to anyone out there having a trouble taking that first step. Just know that if you take the first step, the next will follow.

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